(1、深圳高级中学 体育组,广东 深圳 518040;2、深圳市教育局,广东 深圳 518025;3、深圳市红岭中学 体育组,广东 深圳 518028) 摘要:通过对中、德、美、日、俄高中体育教学现状的比较研究,发现发达国家高中体育课程与教材改革总体发展趋势是学生可以自由选择感兴趣的项目上体育课。深圳高级中学1997年以来的高中体育分类教学改革表明,体育分类教学模式有助于学生个性特长的培养,为学生终身可持续发展奠定了基础。 关键词:高中体育;分类教学;比较研究;课程改革 中图分类号:G807.01;G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0092-04 |
LIU Jin1, DENG Ri-sang2, WANG Shu-zhen3
(1.Division of Physical Education, Shenzhen Senior High School, Shenzhen 518040, China;2.Education Bureau of Shezhen, Shenzhen 51802 5, China;3.Division of Physical Education, Shezhen Hongling School, Shezhen 51802 8, China) Abstract: It has been found that the general development trend of the senior high school PE curriculum and teaching material reform in developed countries is featured by students' free choice to participate in different sport events for PE program based on their own interest, according to the comparative survey of the current PE teaching situations in senior high schools of China, Germany, the United States, Japan and Russia. Along this line, the classified PE teaching reform experiment has been conducted since 1997 in Shenzhen senior high school. this new classified PE teaching mode has enabled the students to enjoy their sport participation, to strengthen the training and development of their persona lity and special talents so as to lay the solid foundation for their continual and lifelong development. The new approach has made it possible to gear to the tr end of the world PE teaching reform. |